Musical Biography


Bansi Baba was attracted to music at an early age, even though it was not in his family background. He was a science student in his youth but music was his passion which was his first interest in addition to his other responsibilities. Bansi Baba started his education in Bihar but always found time to spend with different music masters, attaching himself to these talents whenever they came along. His musical achievements have followed a very interesting course:


1975     He met his first music teacher Mahatma Umapetidas. He studied the flute for 5 years with this master.

1980-1988     He met his next flute master, Sri Champa Dada, and although he played other instruments as well, he focused on the flute. During this time he completed a Bachelor Degree in the flute from the Prayag Conservatorium.

1988-1990     He studied with Bismillah Khan, world famous master and performer (vadak) of the shehenai (Indian instrument). 1990 He started teaching in Bihar.

1991-1994     In 1991 he opened his first music school in Gorakpur, called the Alap Music School where he taught the flute, tabla, and mantra and chanting. During this time he formed an association with Ram Rajan, a famous vocal teacher, who taught him some of the finer points of vocal harmony and Indian classical ragas. In addition to all of these responsibilities he also found time to complete his Masters Degree at Dharbanga Sangit University specialising in the flute but achieving distinctions in several other instruments.

1994-1998     He started teaching guitar to church goers in Gorakpur in the Alap Music School.

2001-2002     He travelled to Haridwar where he stayed in the Shanti Kunj Ashram giving performances and teaching different instruments to spiritual practitioners.

2002-2005     He settled in Rishikesh in the Gita Bhavan with the founding teacher/master. During this time he also studied and completed a Yoga Vedanta Course in the Shivananda Ashram (Divine Life Society).

2006     In 2006 he befriended the Vedic Yoga Centre and since that time has continued to teach many different instruments to the yoga practitioners there. He is now dedicated to teaching only at the Vedic Yoga Centre in Laxman Jhula.


Bansi Baba is a multi-talented Master who is proficient in both playing and teaching the bansuri flute, the tabla, the sitar, the harmonium, the guitar and vocals.